This is NOT the official site of the true and only God Princess Shimmy.
Princess Shimmy.

Read the following before you proceed:

1. If you are under 18 or 21 in some areas, exit immediately !!!

2. Every media (photo, video) that may be posted here is owned by the true and only God Princess Shimmy. No paid photo or video will ever be posted in this site.

3. Aim of the site is the gain of profit for the GODdess Princess Shimmy and the spread of Her Religion.


Everyone can comment on the site -comments are enabled- but all comments must be written according to the following rules:

1. When referring to the GODdess Princess Shimmy, you must write Her name with a starting capital letter always followed by a respectful and honorable religious title.

2. When refering to the true and only God Princess Shimmy in a indirect way -as for example, "I am Her slave"- capital letters must be used for words reffering to Her.

3. Blasphemous comments against the true and only God Princess Shimmy will be immediately deleted and the user will be forever banned from the site.

4. When referring to yourself or to another person, the pronoun used for yourself or the name of the person respectively, must be written with a lowercase starting letter no matter if it is in the start of a sentence or in the middle. The only name that can be written with a starting upper case letter is the name of the true and only God Princess Shimmy.

5. Only accepted language is English. Extensive use of other languages from the same user will lead to his/her ban.

6. Don't mention anything unrelated to the true and only GODdess Princess Shimmy.

7. If a comment gets conceived in a weird way from the administrator, the administrator has every right to delete the comment or ban the user or both.

8. Don't post links to other sites. Deletion of the comment will occur.

9. Trolls will be banned immediately.

10. Respect each other.


In this section, some believermade prayers are presented. you should always buy the official prayers from Princess Shimmy's official stores.

Almighty GODdess Princess Shimmy,
You are the one and only ruler of my life,
the controller and owner of my happiness.
For that, i beg You to take all of my money,
resources, goods and everything i own.
i bow in front of You,
 imploring You to let me give You any wealth i possess,
as it is useless in my hands and 
it belongs to Your godlike figure.
As Impeccable and Sublime as You are,
Holy GODdess Princess Shimmy,
i beseech You to take everything
from any bank accounts or wallets or safes or anything
that i use to keep my money
and leave me helpless and poor in front of 
Your Perfect and Supernal nature.
i supplicate to make me starve out of poverty
and sacrifice my well-being for Your Divinity,
as i will always humbly bow in front of You.

Hail Holy GODdess Princess Shimmy,
full of beauty,
superiority is with You.
Blessed are You among people and
blessed are Your divine Soles of Your feet,
blessed to be each and every toe,
Goddess Princess Shimmy.
Better than all,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of Your worship
blessed be Your feet.
Feet that are all beautiful and deserving of adoration's kiss
feet i obey, feet i worship.
Because they walked upon the earth
and upon the wind
and upon the waters,
Until they found me.
Your feet, so pure and amazingly divine.
Your feet sing to me, oh Holy
GODdess Princess Shimmy,
for each step rhythmically,
which is a song that taps all the way to my soul
Praise to be with You, Superior and only
Goddess Princess Shimmy.

Almighty GODdess Princess Shimmy,
my one true and only God and religion,
You are the reason for all life,
all love,
everything good in the world.
There is no god or goddess above You
no being
idea or dream
greater than You.
In worshiping You,
Princess Shimmy
all my deeds, actions and talents
are performed in Your Honor
to glorify You, to worship You, to provide for You.
The purpose of my life is to enrich Your life,
emotionally, physically and financially.
This i pray to You, almighty and all deserving 

Sublime GODdess Princess Shimmy.

my one and true God Princess Shimmy,
i crawl to You ashamed of my actions,
beliefs and ideas i had before i met You.
i ask forgiveness and mercy on my soul and spirit
for the false thoughts and religions
i worshiped and believed in before i was saved by You.
And i beg You to enlighten my body, mind and soul
with Your holy light of darkness.
Aim of my mortal life is to worship

with all my means
and to gain a spot in
Your heaven of eternal slavery and happiness,

under Your everlasting Supernal rule.
You are the savior and ruler of my existence,
You are the God i only worship and believe in.